Our first Renovation video has been posted to our YouTube channel and is ready for your review!
Video Transcript
Hello and welcome to part one of our renovation video.
I’m Suzanne with the marketing department here at Southern Mass Credit Union and the Fairhaven branch is about to undergo a remodel.
We’ve sent out a couple communications on it but this is going to be a video of what the existing branch and location looks like and we’ll be posting more videos in the upcoming weeks and months showing you the progress of the renovation. So I hope you enjoy the video, and I’m going to take you inside, show you the first and second floor and talk a little bit about what the remodel is going to look like.
The front door of the Fairhaven location, to the right is the elevator and this whole area will have new carpet, new wall treatment and new finishes as well. As we continue to walk through the vestibule into the branch, you’ll see that our current teller line is over there off to the left and it is going to be moved, pretty much where this wall is with the glass, fully facing the front doors. There will be a greeter welcome desk about in this area, and then off to the right will be some offices for member service and account opening loan applications. The desk will be gone, the glass wall will be gone and that’s what the teller line will be. Off to the left is where we will access our safe deposit boxes. Again, new carpet, new wall treatment, new finishes. The teller line will fully face the front door and be the first thing you see when you walk in. This glass wall again will be gone about where the teller line will be. The renderings are available on our website for you to take a look at. But all new wallpaper, the crackle work will be gone, new carpet. The check writing desk will be about there. And the branch should end um, pretty much in this area here and then beyond this wall that would be put up will be offices and cubicles for credit union employees and staff. We will be enclosing this opening that you see here to the second floor. There is a lot of space that we can utilize for, actually, a board room is what the plans call for, so we will be enclosing the space and putting a board room up there for meetings, board meetings, closings potentially for mortgages, and this office space here will be for back office. Marketing will be stationed down here, and this is another angle at the rear entrance looking to the front entrance. All this will be changed out, new carpet, new wall treatments. very clean up-to-date modern look. This is the uh, back door and I’ll be going outside in a few minutes to show you some changes to the ATM area.
We are on the second floor just off the elevator. The member entrance is pretty much right below these chairs. This is going to be reconfigured as well, there’s going to be a waiting area over here off to the right for people who come up to the second floor for meetings. And a lot of changes will take place up here: new wallpaper, new carpet, new treatments to the walls. This is where you can get a perspective of the void that we’re closing to the first floor, where our new boardroom will be. Quite a large space that is underutilized at the moment that we’re going to utilize for a board- a new boardroom with some new technology of course. This skylight will be gone, it’s an artificial skylight. Wallpaper will be changed out, railings will be gone, it will all be closed in, and will give a modern look and feel, and give us the space that we need. This is just one of the spaces in our building for some back office departments, such as accounting, IT and facilities, all work back here as well as some mortgage employees. This is all going to be changed out as well. That window will be gone. We’ve also in the interim of COVID have placed our COVID safety measures in place and those will carry over into the new renovated building. Lots of new carpet, new wall treatments. There’s another angle or aspect if you will of the opening that leads to the first floor. This is our current boardroom and, as you’ll see in one second, we’ve already started moving some of our supplies. This renovation is going to take place in two phases: phase one does involve our current storage area and closing up this void to the first floor, so we’ve already started moving things around and reorganizing. There is space over here currently for operations, that is all going to be refigured and renovated with new wallpaper and new carpet, which I know I’ve said a few times already, but just trying to give you an idea of what the current building looks like and it’s going to be quite the change and give us the space that we need for employees, with new technology and compliance regulations coming out constantly; we are in need of more space for employees. And we can continue down this corridor here, we’re going to be heading into the employee lunchroom. This is just going to be updated again, new wall treatments, new floor, new countertops: a relaxing enjoyable place for our employees to come for their breaks and their lunches, for those that choose to utilize the space. It’s going to, it’s going to look really nice for our employees.
Okay, so now we are outside walking around to the drive up area and this is going to be reconfigured a little bit. Currently we have drive up lane, drive up lane, ATM lane. The ATM is going to be moved into the building, so this first lane will be ATM only and then it’ll be drive up lane one and drive up lane two.
Here are some renderings of what the lobby is going to look like once it’s complete, some of the finishing’s aren’t quite chosen yet but gives you a general idea of what the lobby will look like.
I hope you enjoyed our video please look for the link in the description box below this video for information on the renovations as they occur. Thank you for watching and have a great day.