Our 3rd renovation video has been posted! See what’s been happening with the Fairhaven renovations!
Video Transcript
Hello and welcome to the third part of our Fairhaven renovation video. I’m Suzanne with the marketing department and I am going to show you today some of the progress that has been going on at the Fairhaven location with the renovations. There’s a lot been done in the last month or so since the last video and I’m going to walk you through some of the changes that have occurred and just so you can see an update on what’s going on.
So I’m back around at the front door just wanted to kind of walk around the building to the left this time. You can see our self-deposit space is still off to the left and then as you walk through here again that’s that curved wall approximately where the teller line will be. You can see some of the finished ceiling work where lights will be hanging right above the teller line. As you come through, again, existing teller line and drive up are still here. But off to my right there are new walls. There’s going to be two new offices back here, a workspace with a copier and a fax and a scanner over there. Then two new offices as you come down this way. That previously was a storage space that’s being turned into an office. You can see here again that some of our windows are being, all of our windows are being changed out. This is one of the ones that has been completed already. Lets in so much natural light. So this is the hallway that will now lead to the back door as you can see here. And then just more office space. A conference room is going in here. This will be cubicle space here, a couple more offices off to the side. Now, some of this area here, as you can see, hasn’t touched yet. It’s part of phase two. And then you can see more of the windows being changed out here in this area. There used to be a bay window here, but walls are going up in different areas now with the configuration, so you can see we needed to make some adjustments to the windows.
Previously, of course, this used to be open to the second floor. I will be up there in a minute showing you the board room that is now in place of that opening. And we are now on the other side of that curved wall and back at the front door. In just one second, I’m going to take you upstairs to show you what’s going on the second floor. Not too much work has been done yet outside other than the changing of the windows. But I will take you upstairs and show you what’s going on up there.
Okay, so I am here directly off the elevator and now you can see there is a hallway here leading to the stairs to get back down to the first floor. And you can see that there are more walls completely framed and starting to be painted. Offices here as well. This hallway now is brand new to the left there. Everything off to the right currently has not been touched, it is really part of phase two other than some wallpaper being taken down. Not too much going on to the right side but a lot going on over here to my left. A lot of duct work and electrical has been done and then you can see over here, this was previously open to the first floor. And as I had shown in the last video, it is all closed in but now you can see that it is all framed and drywalled and a couple of, one coat of paint, I believe. And you can see this is going to be our new boardroom.
Okay so I’m going to continue across the board room. Previously, this wall here that’s on the outside of the board room used to have a bay window that would overlook into the lobby area. That has been removed and a wall put in its place. This area here is going to have an office set up over there with a cubicle set up here, a cubicle set up over here, and then there’s an office just around the corner over here with some storage space. So this area did exist before, configured a little bit differently. This just allows us to utilize the space much better. So back around to the board room into this new hallway.
There is an area over here that’s also being worked on. Toom here for cubicles, room here for an office. This is another hallway here with a couple of offices off to my left. This area straight ahead is part of phase two, so it has not been touched yet but here is the hallway and down that way is where I was earlier. That’s where the elevator is, so I just kind of made a full circle around the middle of the building, which is predominantly where a lot of the work has occurred for the second floor, for phase one on the second floor.
All right, I’m back down on the first floor of Fairhaven right in front of that curved teller wall.
I hope you are all enjoying this video series, I will be back again in about three to four weeks with another video, at which point phase one should be just about complete, as phase two is scheduled to begin in May. I hope you all are having a wonderful day and i look forward to seeing you in the next one.