Savings Accounts

Achieve your dreams.

Make tomorrow better by opening
a savings account today.

What are you saving for?

Everyone wants to save more money. But what you’re saving for is unique to you. Our accounts make saving easy, so you can focus on what you’re saving for.

A home

A car

A vacation

A wedding

An education

An emergency fund

Explore our savings accounts.

Super Savings.

Link this free account to your Kasasa® Cash Back or Kasasa Cash checking — and build savings automatically while earning high interest.

Open your account today.

Open Account


  • 4.50% APY** on balances as much as $100,000
  • 4.50% to 0.35% APY** on balances over $100,000 depending on balance in account
  • 0.02% APY** on all balances if qualifications are not met in Kasasa Cash Back or Kasasa Cash
  • Links to free Kasasa Cash Back or Kasasa Cash checking
  • Automatic transfer of Kasasa Cash Back or Kasasa Cash rewards
  • No monthly maintenance fee or minimum balance to earn rewards
  • $25 minimum deposit to open


Qualifications to Earn the Higher Rate 

Qualifying for your Kasasa Cash Back or Kasasa Cash rewards automatically qualifies you for the highest Kasasa Saver rate, too. Enrollments must be in place and all of the following transactions and activities must post and settle to your Kasasa Cash Back or Kasasa Cash® account during each Monthly Qualification Cycle.


4.50% APY** | Balances of $25 – $100,000
0.35% APY** | Balances of $100,000+

See Our Rates

Start small. Go far.

Hit the ground running with a savings account that pays competitive dividends and requires a minimum balance of just $5.00.


  • $5.00 minimum balance^
  • Competitive dividends
  • Free Online Banking
  • No monthly service fee
  • Free Mobile Banking with
    Remote Deposit
  • NCUA insured up to $250,000
  • Deposits are federally insured by NCUA and MSIC

Open your account today.

Open Account

^Minimum balance required to open account as well as to obtain advertised Annual Percentage Yield (APY).

A savings account that reigns supreme.

Meet your big savings goals faster with tiered dividend rates that rise as your balance rises.


  • $5,000 minimum balance^
  • Tiered dividends
  • Free Online Banking
  • No monthly service fee
  • Free Mobile Banking with
    Remote Deposit
  • Deposits are federally insured by NCUA and MSIC

Open your account today.

Open Account

^Minimum balance required to open account as well as to obtain advertised Annual Percentage Yield (APY).

Youth Savings

Youth Savings

Growing up means growing their savings.

Help your child or teen prepare for a bright future with a savings account made for them.

  • $5.00 minimum balance
  • Available to members age 17 and younger
  • Pays same dividend as Regular Savings
  • Eligible for the Alltrust Credit Union Annual
    College Scholarship
  • At age 13, youth members can open a Youth Checking account (with parent or guardian).
  • Members with a Youth Savings or a Youth Checking account are eligible to open a 12-Month College Savers Certificate that allows for additional deposits of $25 or more.
Open Account

Christmas Club

Christmas Club

Make the holiday season brighter.

We want you to spend the holidays enjoying the company of your family and friends – not worrying about how to pay for all those presents. With our Christmas Club Account:

  • Maintain a minimum balance of just $25.002
  • Earn current dividend rate of 0.05% APY
  • Receive your funds on November 1
  • Use free Online Banking and Mobile Banking
  • Pay no monthly service fee
Open Account

2 Minimum balance required to open account as well as to obtain advertised Annual Percentage Yield (APY). Transaction limitations apply.

Smart saving pays dividends.

Comparison of savings accounts.
TypeMinimum Balance1Dividend RateAnnual Percentage Yield
Regular Savings$5.000.05%0.05%
Youth Savings$5.000.05%0.05%
Savings Supreme$5,000.00 – $9,999.990.02%0.02%
$10,000.00 – $24,999.990.02%0.02%
$25,000.00 – $49,999.990.02%0.02%
$50,000.00 – $74,999.990.05%0.05%
$75,000.00 – $99,999.990.05%0.05%
$100,000.00 & Over0.05%0.05%
Christmas Club$25.000.05%0.05%2
Kasasa Saver**$0.00 – $100,000.004.41%4.50%
Over $100,000.000.35%0.35%
Qualifications Not Met0.02%0.02%

Rates effective as of February 15, 2025.

1 Minimum Balance required to open account as well as to obtain advertised Annual Percentage Yield (APY). The dividend rate and interest rate may change at any time without notice after the account is opened. Fees could reduce earnings. Dividends compounded monthly, except where noted. Ask an employee for further information about fees and terms applicable to the accounts.

2 Requires a $5.00 Regular Savings. Dividends compounded quarterly. Fees could reduce earnings.

**Qualification Information: Account transactions and activities may take one or more days to post and settle to the account and all must do so during the Monthly Qualification Cycle in order to qualify for the account’s rewards. The following activities do not count toward earning account rewards: ATM-processed transactions, transfers between accounts, debit card purchases processed by merchants and received by our credit union as ATM transactions, credit transactions, non-retail payment transactions and purchases made with debit cards not issued by our credit union. Transactions bundled together by merchants and received by our institution as a single transaction count as a single transaction for the purpose of earning account rewards. “Monthly Qualification Cycle” means a period beginning one (1) day prior to the first banking day of the current statement cycle through one (1) day prior to the last banking day of the current statement cycle. Contact one of our branch service representatives for specific Monthly Qualification Cycle dates. “Banking Day” means any day on which an office of the credit union is open to the public for the purpose of carrying out substantially all of its banking functions or for processing. “Business Day” means a calendar day other than a Saturday or a Sunday, January 1, the third Monday in January, the third Monday in February, the last Monday in May, June 19, July 4, the first Monday in September, the second Monday in October, November 11, the fourth Thursday in November, or December 25. If January 1, June 19, July 4, November 11, or December 25 falls on a Sunday, the next Monday is not a Business Day. “Statement Cycle” means the period of time for which our credit union provides a summary of the financial activities and transactions that post and settle to the accountholder’s account. Contact one of our branch service representatives for specific Statement Cycle dates. Reward Information: When your linked Kasasa Cash or Kasasa Cash Back qualifications are met during a Monthly Qualification Cycle, average daily balances up to and including $100,000 in your Kasasa Saver account earn an APY of 4.50% and average daily balances over $100,000 earn an APY of 0.35% on the portion of the average daily balance over $100,000 resulting in a range from 4.50% to 0.35% APY depending on the account’s average daily balance. When your linked Kasasa Cash, Kasasa Cash Back or Kasasa Tunes account qualifications are not met, the entire average daily balance in the Kasasa Saver account earns an APY of 0.02%. Dividends will be credited to your Kasasa Saver account on the last day of the current statement cycle. APY = Annual Percentage Yield. APY calculations are based on an assumed balance of $100,000 + $100,000 in your Kasasa Saver account and an assumed statement cycle of thirty-one (31) days. Rates, rewards, and bonuses, if any, are variable and may change after account is opened; rates may change without notice to you. No minimum balance is required to earn or receive the account’s rewards. Rewards less than a penny cannot be distributed. Fees may reduce earnings. Additional Information: Membership restrictions may apply. Account approval, conditions, qualifications, limits, time frames, enrollments, log-ons and other requirements apply. $25 minimum deposit is required to open the account. Meeting qualifying transactions for Kasasa Cash Back or Kasasa Cash checking accounts are a condition of this account. Enrollment in electronic services (e.g. online banking, e-statements) and log-ons may be required to meet some of the account’s qualifications. Limit of one account per personal tax identification number. There are no recurring monthly maintenance charges or fees to open or close this account. This account is not to be used for commercial purposes. If the account is closed, you will forfeit any rewards that have not been credited to your account. A Kasasa Cash, Kasasa Cash Back or Kasasa Tunes account is required to have a Kasasa Saver account. A linked Kasasa Saver account is required for automatic savings. Advertised information and rewards are based on all account qualifications being met during each cycle period. Contact one of our credit union service representatives for additional information, account details, restrictions, reward calculations, processing limitations, cycle dates and enrollment instructions. Federally insured by NCUA. Member MSIC. Trademarks: Kasasa, Kasasa Cash, Kasasa Cash Back, Kasasa Tunes and Kasasa Saver are trademarks of Kasasa, Ltd., registered in the U.S.A.

Let’s grow from here.

Get started by opening an Alltrust Credit Union savings account today.

More for your money.